So as I had wrote before,one of my two mopeds is an apn7. I bought it for around 220 euros. First impression were not perfect but I'm happy about finding one at all. This moped is made-as far as I know-after the apn4 was discontinued,in times when apn6 where in producting,for the 30th anniversary of the tomos plant. They were made strongly based on the apn4,and only in year 1986.I don't know how much of them were produced (if someone knows that data please share it with me).The only differences between the apn4 and apn7 are:
1 It has a cross bar on the handle bar.
2 Metal net in front of the front light.
3 Tachometer (apn4 don't have it).
4 Chromed and polished parts.
Yeah you probably noticed,that I dont really speak some perfect english,not to mention special words and terms like names of parts,probably that " Metal net in front of the front light." has some proper english name but I don't know it....